How to Optimise your Time for Exercise: The Busy Mum Edition

We hear it all the time: ‘Prioritise your training’, ‘if you wanted to you would’, ‘we all have the same 24 hours’ (this one in particular gets me!), and ‘just find the time’. But when you’re a busy mum who maybe works or studies too, has an endless laundry pile that grows no matter how many loads you precariously carry to the washer, and you have little ones’ needs to put first, finding the time to train can be tough. It’s all well and good watching inspirational Instagram videos about prioritising time for training, but when you have mouths to feeds, homework to complete, baths to run, work to do, a house to clean, and everything between, sometimes exercise does fall to the bottom of the priority list. 

As a pre & postnatal coach, I train countless mums who share that they WANT to train, but they just can’t figure out HOW. And it’s hard sometimes. I can hardly tell them to sleep more, prioritise their rest, make time for family, reduce their stress, but then also tell them they need to find time for a 60 minute gym session in the midst of a chaotic day. We can’t conjure up more hours in the day (oh how I wish we could!), but we CAN do better at optimising the hours we do have. 

Now, every parent’s scenario is different, so I advise that you take these tips and tweak them to suit your set-up. Cast away the ones that don’t work for you, but hang on to the ones that do! All it takes is a few small changes to get the ball rolling and to make a difference. 

  1. Schedule your workout time!

When it comes to being a parent, planning is key! Factor training time into your schedule. That way, even if your plan goes out the window, you’ve still factored the workout time into your to-do list. This means that even if you have to switch your hours around, you’re still more likely to have time for that session. Over time, your workout will become a consistent part of your schedule and it’ll feel easier to find the time. 

2. Perfect your routine!

Although parent life can at times be unpredictable, try to establish a training routine that works for you. You may wake up full of energy, or you may resemble a zombie when the alarm (or baby!) wakes you. You may have a sudden burst of energy in the afternoon, or this may be when you start to lose momentum. Work with your body and your schedule, not against it. Train when you have the most energy!

3. Find an accountability partner!

Tell your partner or your friend that you’re planning on working out- and be specific! Let them know that you plan to follow that 10 minute Fit Trimester workout and when you plan on doing it. They can then check in and see how you got on at the end of the day, and if it didn’t go to plan, you can talk it through with them and they can share ideas on how to make it happen the next time

4. Create the environment!

Remove the friction between you and your workout by getting everything ready beforehand. If you know that *usually* your little one naps between 2 and 3pm, getting your space set up, your kit on and a snack or meal in you before then will really help. If you have a toddler, you could even get them involved in helping you to clear workout space and put your mat down. If you have a newborn, try a sling or carrier so that you can be hands free whilst setting up for your workout.

5. Congratulate yourself!

Acknowledge every time that you complete a workout and feel proud that you put in the time and effort. Speak positively to yourself and practice gratitude for what your mind and body have allowed you to do. Next time you feel a dip in motivation, you can take yourself back to this feeling and get inspired to give it a go. 


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