Top Tips for running with your baby
Running with your baby is an incredible opportunity for you to get outdoors and elevate your heart rate whilst stimulating your little one in nature. It’s also a fabulous option for parents who are struggling to find childcare solutions for their workouts.
My jogging buggy was safe for my daughter from 9 months old, so I have been running with her twice weekly since then. She’s now 15 months old and enjoys singing along and spotting the dogs and birds whilst I plod around our local park. During that time, I’ve had my fair share of positive and challenging runs, so I’ve curated my top tips for ensuring a successful and joyful run for both you and your baby!
Go during downtime
I’ve found that when your baby is full of beans, strapping them into a chair is often likely to result in an agitated bambino. Before I get out on my legs, I like to make sure that my daughter has had plenty of time on hers. I time my runs after a baby class or activity, or after a nice playtime at home. I find that this way, she’s happier to sit calmly and watch the world go by around her, without being desperate to get out and run herself.
Pack light
In my buggy storage I like to pack the rain cover (unless you’re 100% sure you won’t need it), two nappies, a full back of wipes. In the buggy itself I have a blanket, jacket (weather permitting), teddy/toy and my keys & phone. The less you have the better to keep your run light and smooth. If your little one is new to the buggy and you’re not sure how they’ll get on, back a baby carrier too just in case you’re a good while from home and have a screaming baby to get back home. I did this until my daughter was around 12 months and still may do if she’s been particularly sensitive that day
Get organised
If you’re planning on running from home in the morning, set out your running gear the night before and set your buggy up if you have the space. It’s hard enough getting yourself and little ones ready simultaneously, without racing round the house looking for your running headband with a demanding toddler at your ankles. If you’re running throughout the day, make sure you’ve got the buggy, snacks and your run kit in the car/bag ready to go.
Pick your route wisely
When you’re getting started, picking the flattest easiest route is a good idea. Once you’re experienced, you may want to adventure out to trails or more challenging routes. But in the beginning, choose a flat, well lit route that’s not too packed with pedestrians or wheely bins (yep, that’s a thing when you’re pushing a big ol’ jogging buggy). Ideally, you’d start in a residential area with wide flat paths.
Switch hands whilst running
Pushing a buggy plus a chunky bubba can soon become heavy and challenging. Switching arms every few strides will help you to distribute the load, balance better and reduce any unwanted forearm aches!
Keep your headphones at home
Not only is it super important that you’re aware of your surroundings whilst out on a run, it’s especially important that you can hear traffic, pedestrians and your little one whilst you’re out.
Set your expectations low, and then lower them still
As you will know by now, babies play to the beat of their own drum, and some days they’re just not feeling it. It might be the new environment of your jogging buggy, the weather, teething, tiredness, or any other of the millions of possibilities. But some days, they just don’t wanna play ball. And that’s okay. I’ve had many a run which has been cut short, sometimes before it’s barely begun. It can feel frustrating, especially when you were desperate for the runners high, or you’d gone to so much trouble to set up the buggy in the first place. BUT, always remember that your intention was there which is what counts, and in ten years time you’ll be running solo, looking back on these days with fondness. It doesn’t last forever, so as disheartening as an incomplete run may feel, it’s all part of the journey.
I hope these tips help you to feel confident when you’re out on a run with your baby! Running is such a beautiful bonding activity, so if you’re considering buying that jogging buggy- do it! Don’t overthink it, just start, and you’ll figure the rest out along the way.